
Female Dogs

The community of Caserio 59 Coto, is located inside a palm-oil plantation in Costa Rica. All pet owners are very poor and there are approximately 2 pets per household.  The only family income comes from men employed by the palm oil factory. Women do not have any job opportunities because families are very isolated inside the plantations.

SNIP provided funds to cover a portion of the surgery cost, while owners are requested to contribute according to their financial capacity. Paying the full surgery fee is impossible for these families, despite their commitment to control population. The owner’s nominal contribution is part of our Outreach Education on Responsible Pet Ownership and designed to promote a sense of responsibility towards the animal.

55 animals were snipped: 24 female dogs, 11 male dogs, 12 female cats and 7 male cats. With this clinic we have snipped 70% of the local pets, a giant step forward for this community in regards to pet population control!

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