Requests for Cat Cafés keep coming!
SNIP´s trap, snip & release (TSR) program is proving successful all over Costa Rica. We keep receiving requests from hospitals, hotels, governmental offices, markets, etc.

The last 3 projects were held at the National Congress, at a private hardware store and at the Public Registry. More than 30 cats have been trapped, snipped & released back into the areas they call home. Several young kittens have even been adopted!

A huge “Gracias!” to Chuck and Larissa Haye, who kindly donated 5 cat traps a few years ago.  We take excellent care of our equipment and our volunteers are experts in handling animals from traps to carriers, making cats feel comfortable in their temporary quarters until they reach the clinic.

Amazing how people are changing their attitude towards feral cats. Whenever we introduce the Cat Cafe model, we now receive positive feedback. Years ago people simply trapped then released the cats somewhere else. Now, it takes just a few minutes to explain the benefits of keeping the cats onsite and the importance of spay & neuter to control population.
Our efforts are keeping us busy most our weekends. Thanks to the volunteers who are always sacrificing Saturdays and Sundays nights trapping cats!